Friday 24 July 2009

The first three weeks

Definitly a time of adjustment. Two people come together that have been very independent and living on their own for an extended period of time I guess issues are going to come up. I like the house very neat and tidy. He could not care less. I need silence to sleep. He needs talk radio on. I detest the TV. He loves it. I love to listen to music when I am cooking. He does not like the music I listen to. I enjoy a glass of wine or a beer in the evenings. He is a recovering alcoholic. He is inordinately proud of his John Thomas and shows it to me every chance he gets. He thinks farting is the funniest thing on the planet. But there are good things as well. His smile when he comes home from work. His laugh. Spontanious sex. Watching him walk around the house with no shirt. (He has a delicious lean hard body) Feeling like I am in a cocoon of safety and security. What you see is what you get with him. Good and bad. He listens to me, and takes in what I say. He values me and my opinions. He seeks my advice. He respects me. Maybe, just maybe, this time I have it right.

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