Tuesday 21 July 2009

The Beginning

Well. I suppose we can start out with a true confession since this is what it is all about. I have been a new bride three times. Yup. Three. I know. Nothing to be proud of Russ. Let me just tell you about the three...

First time: Age 19. Without a clue. Thought it would be like my parent's marriage little understanding the work that went into making their marriage what I saw. Five years and two sons later I was single. He was abusive, lazy, and a weed smoking machine. Not the most appealing prospect.

Second time: Age 26. Slightly more of a clue. He was romantic, placed roses on my desk early in the morning so I would have something special when I walked into my office. Took me to dinner, movies, dancing, shopping trips to Utica Square where money was no object. He spoiled me, pampered me, petted me. Gave me a wonderful material life and a beautiful daughter. But there was a much darker side, an ugly side, that was reserved just for me. Constant criticizing. I was a horrible mother, housewife, lover, cook...nothing was good enough, perfect enough for him. Every mistake was magnified. It was not a nurturing environment. Walking on broken glass would have been easier and less painful that what I endured. Thirteen years and no self worth later I decided to be alone was better than the hell I lived in. And so...

Third time: Age 42. Much wiser, much older, much more set in who I am in life and my goals. We met in an unusual way. Maybe I will tell that story later, maybe I won't. We met in September of 2007. The 16Th. My heart stopped for a second when I first saw him. The attraction was instant, intense, and consuming. He was tall, lean, hazel eyes and dark brown hair. When he laughed his face was transformed into a thing of beauty. That first night lasted hours and hours. We called each other at 2am and talked until 4:30. We saw each other several time that first week, always on my back porch as I did not want my children to know I was seeing him. Always late, after they were in bed. Now he tells me that he knew after the first week we would spend our lives together...

I will continue my story another day. He is coming home soon. I wait for him eagerly, make sure the house is clean and neat and he has dinner. Old fashioned? Maybe. But it worked for my mom and he appreciates it deeply...and rewards me greatly.

1 comment:

  1. Not so new a bride...but have been a new bride twice...first time, high school sweetheart...first love altogether. So NOT the way to go. Stayed in the marriage, faithfully because it was the right thing to do but was not happy. It got cold...living together and doing things together but not so as husband and wife except the duty of sex once in a while...so he strayed. Actually, a sigh of relief as I was NOT going to be the one to end the marriage.

    Second marriage...thought it was THE one...but it was the first man I dated after the divorce. Waited a long time...but was living with my folks and well...didn't live on my own. Never lived on my own. That was probably a BIG mistake. HOWEVER...was happy, very happy. This was my soulmate...until he changed. Like your second one...control and emotional and mental abuse. A very fine line though...didn't really see it as that...but it was...still is. Not as bad now and very here and there but still there. I think had it been like it is now...very infrequent and knowing that he needed to change...might have worked...but being IN love...having passion...all gone. What kind of marriage is that. Living with my friend now...wondering if I ever will or will ever want to be a new bride again...

    Third time...I hope is a charm for you...
